Get Help Tackling the Digital Marketing Beast

Arrow Digital
2 min readJan 16, 2024


Digital marketing is not the one-trick-pony it once was; it has grown into a powerful beast and harnessing its power has become integral to business success.

We all know how important it is to use digital marketing to optimise profitability and improve return on investment. But even so, many business owners are still unwilling to tackle the beast, overwhelmed by the sheer power of digital marketing.

Granted, it’s not easy. To ensure success, you need to embrace all elements of digital marketing and that takes effort. But the digital marketing puzzle is exactly that — a puzzle, and only when every piece comes together will you have a complete marketing solution.

Many business owners struggle to appreciate this concept and often the business will see losses as a result. For example, maybe Google Adwords is being used to advertise a website but the site isn’t optimised for user engagement. This will deter people from visiting in the future.

Or perhaps a business owner is confused and overwhelmed by social media so they’re only using Facebook? Or they’ve handballed the task to a more junior employee with no experience. This is not an effective use of digital marketing.

1. How frequently do I post?

2. Do I track and measure conversions?

3. Which social channels are working best for me?

4. Do I use Facebook Insights and Google Analytics to develop a profile of my visitors?

5. Do I know the ROI of both time and money spent on social media?

If you don’t have answers to the above, chances are your business’ digital marketing campaign is suffering and you could do with some help.

This is where a digital marketing agency comes in — they can help take your business to the next level and ensure your campaigns are effective, ensuring maximum ROI and profitability in the business.

For more information on how a digital marketing agency can help your business, simply give us a call on 1300 766 665.



Arrow Digital

Arrow Digital is more than just a digital marketing company. Based in Melbourne, Australia, we are an award winning agency…